Visual Basic Interface

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

3D Graphics Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Aplikasi kali ini saya akan memvisualisasikan Graphic 3D Form Paint. Baru-baru ini, saya iseng-iseng mencari tutorial programming Graphic 3D dan menemukan contoh script programnya. Source Code Tutorialnya ===>>> Klik Disini, mengamati coding script programming-nya membuat kepala Nyut-nyutan,....

Kok bisa yahhhh programmer neh coding script kayak beginiannnn......dan Saya sangat berharap menemukan suatu celah atau inspirasi untuk dikembangkan menjadi graphic 3D yang lebih aplikative (harapannya sehh........). Graphic 3D yang ditampilkan berupa Cube 3D.

Sekarang saya coba menampilkan hasil visual dari Script dari Source Code ===>> Disini Klik Neh.... Tutorialnya. Hasil visualnya perhatikan gambar di atas.

ToolBox yang saya pergunakan, perhatikan tabel di bawah ini:

1 UserFormName: UserForm1
Text: Programming Graphics 3D V. Hutabalian's Blog

Desain Form dari tabel ToolBox di atas, perhatikan gambar di bawah ini.

Setelah selesai mempersiapkan desain Form, dengan mensetting properties Form sesuai dengan yang saya inginkan. Kemudian klik kanan pada Form, pilih View Code saya mengetikkan Source Program di bawah ini.

Script Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition:

'3D Programming Graphics Visual Basic Express Edition'
' Source code Tutorial===>>> Klik Disini'
' Berbagi ilmu Sensasi Kepuasan Tersendiri '
' Visual By: Verynandus Hutabalian'
' Publish to V. Hutabalian's Blog 18 Agustus 2010 '

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Enum RotateHorizontal
Left = -1
Center = 0
Right = 1
End Enum

Public Enum RotateVertical
Up = -1
Center = 0
Down = 1
End Enum

Public Enum CubeSides
End Enum

Public Structure Cube
Private FLocation As Point
Private FHeight As Integer
Private FWidth As Integer
Private FDepth As Integer
Private FCenter As Point
Private FPath As GraphicsPath
Private FRotateX As RotateHorizontal
Private FRotateY As RotateVertical

Public Property Location() As Point
Return FLocation
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Point)
FLocation = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Height() As Integer
Return FHeight
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
FHeight = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Width() As Integer
Return FWidth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
FWidth = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Depth() As Integer
Return FDepth
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
FDepth = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Center() As Point
Return FCenter
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Point)
FCenter = Value
End Set
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Path() As GraphicsPath
Return FPath
End Get
End Property

Public Property RotateX() As RotateHorizontal
Return FRotateX
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As RotateHorizontal)
FRotateX = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Property RotateY() As RotateVertical
Return FRotateY
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As RotateVertical)
FRotateY = Value
End Set
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property X() As Integer
Return FLocation.X
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Y() As Integer
Return FLocation.Y
End Get
End Property

'Return the rectangle that bounds the entire polygon
'representing the cube
Public ReadOnly Property BoundsRect() As Rectangle
If (FPath Is Nothing) Then
Return New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)
Dim r As RectangleF = Path.GetBounds()
' Implicit conversion from single to integer,
' really only available in VB
Return New Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height)
End If
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As CubeSides) As Point()
Select Case index
Case CubeSides.Back
Return Back
Case CubeSides.Front
Return Front
Case CubeSides.Left
Return Left
Case CubeSides.Right
Return Right
Case CubeSides.Top
Return Top
Case CubeSides.Bottom
Return Bottom
Case Else
Return Front
End Select
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Top() As Point()
Return GetTop(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Bottom() As Point()
Return GetBottom(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Left() As Point()
Return GetLeft(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Right() As Point()
Return GetRight(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Front() As Point()
Return GetFront(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Back() As Point()
Return GetBack(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY)
End Get
End Property

Public Sub New(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, _
ByVal height As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal depth As Integer, ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical)

FPath = New GraphicsPath
FLocation = New Point(x, Y)
FHeight = height
FWidth = width
FDepth = depth
FRotateX = rotateX
FRotateY = rotateY
FCenter = New Point(Location.X + (width + depth / 2 * _
rotateX) / 2, _
Location.Y + (height + depth / 2 * rotateY) / 2)


End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, _
ByVal height As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal depth As Integer)

FPath = New GraphicsPath
FLocation = New Point(x, Y)
FHeight = height
FWidth = width
FDepth = depth
FRotateX = RotateHorizontal.Right
FRotateY = RotateVertical.Up
FCenter = New Point(Location.X + (width + depth / 2 * _
RotateX) / 2, _
Location.Y + (height + depth / 2 * RotateY) / 2)


End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal depth As Integer)

FPath = New GraphicsPath
FLocation = point
FHeight = height
FWidth = width
FDepth = depth
FRotateX = RotateHorizontal.Right
FRotateY = RotateVertical.Up
FCenter = New Point(Location.X + (width + depth / 2 * _
RotateX) / 2, _
Location.Y + (height + depth / 2 * RotateY) / 2)


End Sub

Private Sub Changed()
End Sub

Private Sub ConstructPath()
FPath = New GraphicsPath
Path.AddLines(GetBack(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
Path.AddLines(GetFront(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
Path.AddLines(GetTop(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
Path.AddLines(GetBottom(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
Path.AddLines(GetLeft(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
Path.AddLines(GetRight(Location, Height, Width, Depth, _
RotateX, RotateY))
End Sub

Private Function GetXFromCenter(ByVal newCenter As Point) _
As Integer
Return newCenter.X - (FWidth + FDepth / 2 * FRotateX) / 2
End Function

Private Function GetYFromCenter(ByVal newCenter As Point) _
As Integer
Return newCenter.Y - (FHeight + FDepth / 2 * FRotateY) / 2
End Function

Public Sub FilleRectangle(ByVal boundingRect As Rectangle)
Dim x As Integer
If (FRotateX = RotateHorizontal.Right) Then
x = 0
x = Math.Abs(Depth / 2 * FRotateX)
End If

Dim y As Integer
If (FRotateY = RotateVertical.Down) Then
y = 0
y = Math.Abs(Depth / 2 * RotateY)
End If

FLocation = New Point(x, y)
FWidth = boundingRect.Width - Depth / 2 - 1
FHeight = boundingRect.Height - Depth / 2 - 1
End Sub

Public Function GetCube() As GraphicsPath
Return FPath
End Function

Public Function GetSides(ByVal theseSides As CubeSides()) _
As GraphicsPath
Dim newPath As GraphicsPath = New GraphicsPath
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To theseSides.Length - 1
Next I

Return newPath
End Function

Public Shared Function GetXOffset(ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal) As Integer

Return depth / 2 * rotateX
End Function

Public Shared Function GetYOffset(ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical) As Integer

Return depth / 2 * rotateY
End Function

Public Shared Function GetTop(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical) _
As Point()

Return New Point() { _
New Point(point.X, point.Y), _
New Point(point.X + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), point.Y + _
GetYOffset(depth, rotateY)), _
New Point(point.X + width + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY)), _
New Point(point.X + width, point.Y), _
New Point(point.X, point.Y)}
End Function

Public Shared Function GetLeft(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical)

Return New Point() {New Point(point.X, point.Y), _
New Point(point.X + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY)), _
New Point(point.X + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY) + height), _
New Point(point.X, point.Y + height), _
New Point(point.X, point.Y)}
End Function

Public Shared Function GetRight(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, ByVal rotateY _
As RotateVertical)

Return New Point() {New Point(point.X + width, point.Y), _
New Point(point.X + width + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY)), _
New Point(point.X + width + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY) + height), _
New Point(point.X + width, point.Y + height), _
New Point(point.X + width, point.Y)}
End Function

Public Shared Function GetBottom(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical) As Point()

Return New Point() {New Point(point.X, point.Y + height), _
New Point(point.X + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY) + height), _
New Point(point.X + width + GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY) + height), _
New Point(point.X + width, point.Y + height), _
New Point(point.X, point.Y + height)}
End Function

Public Shared Function GetFront(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, ByVal rotateY _
As RotateVertical) As Point()

Return New Point() {point, New Point(point.X + width, point.Y), _
New Point(point.X + width, point.Y + height), _
New Point(point.X, point.Y + height), point}

End Function

Public Shared Function GetBack(ByVal point As Point, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, ByVal depth As Integer, _
ByVal rotateX As RotateHorizontal, _
ByVal rotateY As RotateVertical) As Point()

Dim topLeft As Point = New Point(point.X + _
GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), _
point.Y + GetYOffset(depth, rotateY))

Dim topRight As Point = New Point(point.X + width + _
GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), point.Y + _
GetYOffset(depth, rotateY))

Dim bottomRight As Point = New Point(point.X + width + _
GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), point.Y + height + _
GetYOffset(depth, rotateY))

Dim bottomLeft As Point = New Point(point.X + _
GetXOffset(depth, rotateX), point.Y + height + _
GetYOffset(depth, rotateY))

Return New Point() {topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, _
bottomLeft, topLeft}

End Function

End Structure
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Private cube As Cube = New Cube(100, 100, 100, 200, 50)

Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.Paint
e.Graphics.DrawPath(Pens.Red, cube.GetCube())
End Sub
End Class

Setelah Anda mengetikkan listing source program diatas tekan F5, maka hasil tampilan visualnya seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Saya sangat berharap bisa mempelajari dan mengembangkan script programming Tutorial Graphics 3D di atas dalam bentuk yang aplikative... Untuk sekarang masih di Plototin Doang......Bagi rekan-rekan yang lebih berpengalaman di tunggu saran-sarannya dan kreativitasnya... Semoga dapat Berguna.

Selamat mencoba Guys! Nantikan Tips Aplikasi Cantik Lainnya by Verynandus Hutabalian.

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